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Camping Clip Art

Camping Clip Art
Camping Clip Art
Camping Clip Art for you! Here's a camping clip art collection that I recently created. It includes camping clip art, fishing clip art, hiking clip art, backpacking clip art and other resort clip art. I know many Graphic Artists, Crafters, T-Shirt Printers, Graphic Designers and other people in the resort and apparel industries have been searching the web for clip art like this. I hope this clip art is useful to them.

I've been a clip art artist for several years and I'm really excited to present this collection to you! Camping, hiking, fishing and backpacking are passions of mine and it was truly a labor of love to illustrate this collection. I've enjoyed the outdoors since I was a kid. I remember camping with my father and learning to fish as soon as I could pick up a pole! Now I flyfish and also tie my own flies. I usually backpack into the woods and keep hiking until I find the perfect camping area! I'm not really into resort style camping, but we are looking for a camping trailer at this time. The trailer is more for my wife and my son to keep them comforatable. I'll still probably end up setting up a tent next to the trailer!

If you click on the links above you can check out several more clip art collections that I have to offering including another Camping Clip Art collection or two! I hope you enjoy using this clip art as much as I enjoyed creating it! Cheers!

Click here to check out the collection:

Camping Clip Art


Friday, April 23, 2010

NEW! More Camping Clipart

Camping Clipart Here's a new Camping Clipart collection I just put together! It has lots of fisherman fishing, a fishing pole or two, etc. Also included is a happy, relaxed bear, hiking boot, snake, evergreen or pine tree, blue bird, a mosquito or two, a logo frame and a couple other images to complete this fun, outdoor clipart collection. Click the text link below to browse and purchase either the collection or individual images in .gif, .jpg or .eps vector formats. Enjoy!

Camping Clipart

Thanks for reading!

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