Camping Clip Art discussion area. Camping, fishing, hiking, backpacking and resort clip art.
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Camping Clip Art
Camping Clip Art
Camping Clip Art for you! Here's a camping clip art collection that I recently created. It includes camping clip art, fishing clip art, hiking clip art, backpacking clip art and other resort clip art. I know many Graphic Artists, Crafters, T-Shirt Printers, Graphic Designers and other people in the resort and apparel industries have been searching the web for clip art like this. I hope this clip art is useful to them.
I've been a clip art artist for several years and I'm really excited to present this collection to you! Camping, hiking, fishing and backpacking are passions of mine and it was truly a labor of love to illustrate this collection. I've enjoyed the outdoors since I was a kid. I remember camping with my father and learning to fish as soon as I could pick up a pole! Now I flyfish and also tie my own flies. I usually backpack into the woods and keep hiking until I find the perfect camping area! I'm not really into resort style camping, but we are looking for a camping trailer at this time. The trailer is more for my wife and my son to keep them comforatable. I'll still probably end up setting up a tent next to the trailer!
If you click on the links above you can check out several more clip art collections that I have to offering including another Camping Clip Art collection or two! I hope you enjoy using this clip art as much as I enjoyed creating it! Cheers!
Many of you are looking for Clip Art other than just camping clip art. I can help! I'm a clip art artist and I offer several clip art collections at my website:
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